Open Iberia/América is an online Open Access collection of short pedagogical edition/translations of premodern Iberian and Latin American texts modeled after the editorial practices of commercial anthologies.
Editors select a short text or excerpt glossed for undergraduate readers (the primary target population is undergraduate students in survey-level courses in Anglophone universities). Contributors write short introductions, and provide a basic bibliography for further reading. Original language texts from any of the linguistic traditions of the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas may be included, accompanied by translations into Modern Castilian and English, so they may be used in both Spanish-language and English-language courses across a number of disciplines (language, history, religion, philosophy, art history, etc.)
Open Iberia/América will be an open-ended anthology accepting new submissions on a rolling basis. It will continue to grow, with editorial guidance, depending on the interests and needs of the community of teachers that sustain it. The edition/translations and introductory essays will be available online and free of charge to any interested readers. All contributions will be licensed CC BY-NC-SA so they may adapted, redistributed and copied, provided users attribute authors/editors/translators and they are not put to commercial use. All contributions will be made available in .doc format so they can be easily adapted and customized.
Here’s a list of units currently in production:
- Ibn Hazm, Lament for Cordova (11th c.)
- Alfonso X, General Estoria (13th c.)
- Poema de mio Cid (13th c.)
- Don Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor (14th c.)
- Hispano-Hebrew poetry (13th c.)
- Alfonso X, Cantigas de Santa Maria (13th c.)
- Libro de apolonio (13th c.)
- Ramon Montaner, Crònica (14th c.)
- Mocedades del Rodrigo (14th c.)
- Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor (14th c.)
- Anti-judaic speech of Ferrant Martínez (14th c.)
- Anton de Montoro, poetry (15th c.)
- Juan Latino, Latin poetry (16th c.)
- Siete infantes de Lara (14th c.)
- Fernando de Rojas, Celestina (1499)
- Portuguese translation of Marco Polo (16th c.)
- Nahuatl stations of the cross (16th c.)
- María de Zayas, Novelas ejemplares (17th c.)
- Isaac Cardoso, Excelencias y calunias de los hebreos (17th c.)
For more information, or to contribute, contact General Editor David Wacks at